Neigh #4…Find your Truth. Have faith in what your intuition is telling you. Lean into what feels right, beneficial, and important. Believe in and practice your core values.

The truth hurts. This comment is not meant to bring you peace of mind, but to prove a point. Discovering your truth is not something that anyone else can do for you. You have to do it your own way. And finding it is just the first step. Facing it and living it can be work. And it can be painful.

What is your truth? There are 2 to consider. One is facing the truths of your of addiction. Second is the truth of how you want to live in your recovery journey. Both take work, work, work. For me, the first step was facing the truth of my drinking and of all the poor choices I was making. I fought it. I put my body, mind, and soul through so many trials to prove that I did not have a drinking problem. My heart knew the truth way before I faced it full on.

If you have a situation that continues to bring you pain or stress, one that is driving you to go against your core values, you’re not living your truth. Do you know your top 3 core values? I had to be coached to discover mine. My first is giving to others. A value that has been my greatest joy, yet has given me my greatest hurt, too.

Discovering your truth is not something that anyone else can do for you. You have to do it your own way.

I used my value of giving to others so inappropriately when I was drinking. I paid people to play with me, just so they would continue drinking, or go out to eat with me, or go to the casino. I didn’t care who I hurt to have “fun.” Today I still struggle with giving, but I am learning to think before I give, making sure it’s healthy giving and not co-dependent giving.  

Usually, my truth is the first thought that comes to my mind and I know that it’s my intuition whispering in my ear. My work is to listen and trust. When I allow my thinking to get louder than the whisper, it’s easier for me to make poor choices and mess up. Learning to listen to my heart is difficult. It is work.

The horses are great lie detectors. Powerful beings, they can help you find your truth. When you tap into a core value, one that’s true to your heart, the horse will stand with you, giving you support and trust. Partnering with the horse, I am able to watch them and know when you are connected to your truth.

Make yourself a priority and come visit us at One Neigh at a Time.  Our horses are waiting for you to come to the barn and help you find your truth.

See you in the barn!